Work for the Lord! – Part 1

“And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men…” 

Colossians 3:23-24 (YouVersion)

I’ve been pondering motivation recently. There is so much swirling around us, and it leaves people to form a lot of assumptions as to why people are saying and doing the things they are or not doing. 

Quite often, we are also caught up in forming opinions about people beyond any reasonable understanding. But as believers we should focus on letting our opinions form the foundation of our Christian beliefs. One such passage we can focus on is Colossians 3:23-24, which reminds us that we must work heartily for the Lord and not for men, and as such, He will reward us with an inheritance. 

Those words had me thinking. What exactly is Apostle Paul saying? How can we apply it to our lives? He told us to work at whatever we are doing with all our hearts. Know this: Paul is not teaching us that we need to do work to get to heaven. He never taught that the number of good deeds we do is what is going to save us from our sins or give us a free pass to heaven. No! We are to believe in Jesus for that to occur.

Paul is saying that our work (everything we do) should be done with the ultimate goal of pleasing God. All our efforts and endeavours as believers should come from a place of devotion to Jesus. We should be an expression of transformed hearts and a new creation in Christ Jesus. We should always give our best daily. After all, we serve Christ alone.

Friends, know that our ‘work’ includes our lifestyle, i.e., how we conduct ourselves. This allows our heavenly Father to showcase Himself through us, thereby bringing others into His kingdom. 

Remember, do not let ‘man’ influence how we serve. Work as unto Christ.

Read: Proverbs 12:11; Hebrews 13:16

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 25:1-10; 2 Thessalonians 3; Jeremiah 31:15-40; Jeremiah 32:1-25

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